Keywords: financial system, insurance, state budget, commodity market, financial resources, state finances, taxes, extrabudgetary funds


This article is devoted to the potential opportunities of economic development in countries, economic sectors and regions. To a large extent, it depends on their resource potential: natural resources, production capacity, qualified personnel, etc. An important component of this potential is the availability of financial resources, that is, the presence of a balanced and efficient financial system. In order to skillfully use financial levers affecting economic processes, local, regional and national economic regulators must clearly monitor and control financial flows, areas of deficit and poles of concentration of financial resources. It is necessary to stimulate domestic demand for financial resources and prevent the "drain" of financial resources outside the industry. In the conditions of economic recession and unstable world development in the economy, the issue of activation roles has important consequences, namely the regulation of the national system of financial regulation, for the sake of economic growth. To reduce the impact of resistance factors, it is necessary to implement the incentive of financial regulation measures, while the state seeks to create appropriate conditions for sustainable intensification of economic development. Summing up, the appropriate increase in the level of efficiency of the public administration system, which minimizes the economic and institutional risks of formation, has the importance of a long-term financial strategy that will contribute to the balance and consistency of the expected macroeconomic goals.


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How to Cite
Orel, A., & Dyachenko, V. (2023). FEATURES OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM IN THE ECONOMIC PROCESSES OF THE COUNTRY. Change Management and Innovation, (6), 25-32. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/2023-6-5
Finance, banking and insurance