• Olena Akimova Donbass State Engineering Academy
  • Maksym Petchenko Donbass State Engineering Academy
Keywords: analytical assessment, information asymmetry, financial potential, enterprise, mathematical interpretation, stakeholder


The article explores an approach to determining the analytical level of a company's financial potential as an alternative to the traditional method, which considers the enterprise as an a priori object of study. The proposed approach involves examining the company from a different perspective, specifically as a complex object of study, considering various conceptual methods for its determination, such as technological, institutional, and entrepreneurial approaches. The research is grounded in the theory of stakeholders, enabling a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the structure of financial potential. The presented work discusses specific possible variations in the individual objectives of stakeholders and presents a matrix of contentious issues that may arise among stakeholders. Special attention in the article is given to the problem of information asymmetry in the interaction of stakeholders, which, along with the differences in the personal objectives of stakeholders, complicates the formation of a complete and accurate structure of financial potential. It is noted that when none of the parties attempts to fully disclose their capabilities and interests, asymmetry can lead to various variations in the structure of the company's financial potential, characterizing the same object from different individual perspectives. The article provides a mathematical interpretation of possible variations in the structures of financial potential, considering the individual goals of stakeholders. As a conclusion, a concept of evaluating the level of financial potential is presented, based on fuzzy logic theory, distributing the probabilistic assessment outcomes into three levels: insufficient, sufficient, and excessive, through a comparison of planned and individual values of sets of elements of financial potential. Consequently, according to the authors, this concept allows for different approaches to evaluation, taking into account the individual experience and knowledge of stakeholders, providing a comprehensive approach to analysing the company's financial activities.


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How to Cite
Akimova, O., & Petchenko, M. (2023). ANALYTICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE LEVEL OF FINANCIAL POTENTIAL OF ENTERPRISES IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Change Management and Innovation, (8), 5-10.