• Yana Ishchenko Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Alla Vyshynska Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Keywords: dairy farming, cost management, management functions, accounting functions, cost objects, management objects, management subjects


The article summarizes the definition of the concept of «cost management» by economic sources. The article reveals a discrepancy in interpretations of this basic economic concept by scholars, which requires further research, since cost management is not limited to controlling their formation and use, but also includes the development and implementation of management decision systems for regulating costs at different stages of enterprise activity. The author's own definition of the concept of «cost management» as a purposeful effective process is proposed, which includes a significant number of subsystems: current and prospective planning, information support (operational information, accounting information, management and financial reporting, other information), analysis, and management decision-making. The article depicts a scheme of production cost management in the field of dairy farming, which shows that the management process begins with planning, after which accounting records business transactions. Then, on the basis of accounting, management and financial statements are formed, which is the basis for the control function of management, and analytical procedures are carried out. The interrelation of management functions and accounting functions is analyzed, a subordinate management function is allocated, which reflects the synergistic impact of financial and management accounting on management decision-making at various levels. It has been established that the judgmental function reflects the general justification for making management decisions based on financial and management accounting information. The correspondence of the objects of cost accounting to the objects and subjects of management in the field of dairy farming has been determined, which will allow building a system of information support for management decision-making. It is established that such a system of information support for management decision-making will allow to form accounting information adapted to the requests of the relevant management entities in the optimal analytical sections for them.


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How to Cite
Ishchenko, Y., & Vyshynska, A. (2023). ACCOUNTING INFORMATION IN THE DAIRY FARMING COST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Change Management and Innovation, (8), 11-16.