• Mariana Kobelia-Zvir Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • Yurii Zvir Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: Digital Europe, grants, Digital Europe program, European grants, grant support, European Union grants, European Commission grants


The article examines the main grant tools of the European Commission's "Digital Europe" program. Its capabilities to promote the digital transformation of Ukraine and the integration of its economy into the European digital market are demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the use of grants from the "Digital Europe" program is an effective tool for stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses, representatives of executive power and local self-government, the public sector, and higher education institutions. The prospects of using grant tools for the implementation of digital initiatives and innovative projects are demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on the priorities and areas of support of the "Digital Europe" program for the projects of authorities, local governments, representatives of business and the public sector, as well as higher education institutions in the member countries of the European Union and partners of the program. The main goals and objectives of the program are highlighted, with the areas of support in Ukraine highlighted. The sluggish process of participation of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, local self-government bodies, executive authorities and organizations of the non-profit sector, as well as higher education institutions in the grant program of the European Commission "Digital Europe" was analyzed. The reasons for the non-active use of grant, non-refundable, targeted aid from the highest executive body of the European Union are emphasized, namely: the lack of understanding among potential grant recipients about who can receive a grant for what and how, lack of professional project managers, grant writers and fundraisers, commitment of partnership. It is concluded that the use of grants from the Program by representatives of state authorities and local self-government can influence the digital transformation of Ukraine and the integration of its economy into the European digital market. However, the effectiveness of using the grant opportunities of this program directly depends on the availability of information about open grant competitions and the prospects of receiving funding for representatives of business, the public, educational institutions, and authorities.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M., & Zvir, Y. (2023). GRANTS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION PROGRAM "DIGITAL EUROPE": OPPORTUNITIES AND BARRIERS. Change Management and Innovation, (8), 17-22.