Keywords: project, program, entrepreneurial project, typology of projects, classification of projects


This scientific article is devoted to clarifying the content of the «entrepreneurial project» category, defining its main characteristics and typological features. It has been proven that in modern dynamic economic conditions, the project approach as a form of resource management is very convenient for the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives, as it helps to clearly set goals, optimize the use of resources, more carefully plan and control the implementation of individual processes, timely identification of risks, etc. However, despite the deepening interaction of the spheres of entrepreneurship and project management, scientific sources note the absence of both a clear interpretation of the category "entrepreneurial project" and ordered views on its internal content. The article analyzes various aspects of the understanding of the category "entrepreneurial project" by domestic and foreign scientists, which allows us to assert the predominance of terminological rather than substantive interaction of the spheres of entrepreneurship and project management. Characteristic features of entrepreneurial projects are highlighted. It was found that the vast majority of authors associate entrepreneurial projects with the search or creation of opportunities and the implementation of strategic intentions regarding the development of a new or existing enterprise and increasing its profitability. It has been proven that the use of the classification (typology) of projects allows solving a number of tasks of a practical nature, including prioritization and the formation of a portfolio of projects, the selection of methods and tools for solving individual project tasks, the justification of approaches to the assessment of final results, the formation of models of interaction with project stakeholders, etc. It was determined that the existing classifications of projects are not universal, have a significant number of internal contradictions and do not sufficiently meet the domestic conditions for the implementation of project activities. The approaches of various authors to the definition of individual typological (classification) features of projects are analyzed. The classification features that can be used to create a typology of business projects are summarized.


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How to Cite
Sorina, O., & Korotunova, O. (2023). ENTREPRENEURIAL PROJECT: ESSENCE AND TYPOLOGY. Change Management and Innovation, (8), 49-54. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/2023-8-8