• Dmytro Drynov National Defence University of Ukraine
  • Mykhaylo Mos’ondz National Defence University of Ukraine
  • Vytalii Zahorodnykh National Defence University of Ukraine
Keywords: computer, model, simulation, simulation modeling


The concept of simulation modeling and a simulation model encompasses a fundamental aspect of problem-solving and analysis across various fields, from engineering and science to business and social sciences. Simulation modeling refers to the process of creating a computational model that replicates the behavior of a real-world system or process over time. This model is designed to mimic the dynamics, interactions, and characteristics of the actual system to allow for experimentation, prediction, and decision-making in a controlled virtual environment. A simulation model, on the other hand, is the specific instantiation of this concept. It is a mathematical representation of a system, often implemented through computer software, that simulates the behavior of the real-world system under different conditions or scenarios. This model typically consists of a set of rules, equations, algorithms, and parameters that govern the behavior and interactions of various components within the system. Simulation models can vary widely in complexity and scope, ranging from simple mathematical models to complex, multi-level, and multi-agent simulations. They can simulate a broad range of systems and processes, including manufacturing processes, traffic flow, population dynamics, financial markets, and more. Simulation modeling is a method of conducting experiments using mathematical models on electronic computers. Its main purpose is to reproduce the behavior of complex systems over long periods of time. This approach is based on the use of imitation properties, allowing to reproduce processes in the studied systems using mathematical models on a computer. The simulation model, in turn, is an expression of these mathematical models in the form of a special algorithm that reproduces phenomena and relationships in the system. This model can be applied to the analysis and research of complex processes, even those that may be informalized or involve human participation in decision-making. One of the main advantages of simulation modeling is its ability to work with a large amount of information that can be presented in various forms, including mathematical relationships, probability distribution functions, and others. The method also turns out to be convenient for studying random processes. In general, simulation modeling is a powerful tool for analysis and experimentation in various fields where complex systems require detailed study and reproduction of their dynamics and relationships.


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How to Cite
Drynov, D., Mos’ondz, M., & Zahorodnykh, V. (2024). CONCEPT OF SIMULATION AND SIMULATION MODEL. Change Management and Innovation, (9), 28-31.