Keywords: financial institutions, financial activity, financial law, financial relations, financial system


The article explores the research output of authoritative scientists who work in the field of financial system research, analyze its financial and legal properties, economic laws, financial institutions, types and methodology of analysis of financial phenomena at the macro level. Based on the financial categories identified in the results of the scientific work of scientists, their meaningful analysis and characterization was carried out, which made it possible to systematize knowledge about financial phenomena and reveal the level of their coverage by financial and legal achievements. An author's approach to the study of the essence, characteristic features and functioning mechanism of the financial system, which is based on statics and dynamics, is proposed. This made it possible to reveal a number of immanent features of the system, which are presented in the works and publications of modern scientists, but are not actualized in the methodology of scientific knowledge. The division of the structural components of the financial system according to the indicated features allowed to argue the conceptualization of "infrastructure" as an integral element of the financial category. It was found that the static features of the financial system successfully support the presence of infrastructure in its scientific linguistic categorical matrix. After all, financial institutions in synergy with the state ensure proper financial activity, which belongs to the dynamic component. systems. Scientific harmonization of the content of the financial system is properly implemented in the modern paradigm of financial science. It is proposed to carry out a scientific conjugation of the main semantic load of the definition "financial system", which will allow to reveal acceptable theoretical and methodological results with the help of the postulates of the "distributive concept". After all, the modern categorical provision of financial science introduces significant confusion into the system of perception of economic phenomena. Financial activity, relationships, resources, funds, institutions and other auxiliary financial structures blur the essence and content of the financial system as a complex, multifaceted, multifaceted, contradictory phenomenon in society. Updating the systematization of knowledge is timely, because scientific relations at the national and international levels are in the conventions of previous centuries, which are established and not debatable, but do not meet the requirements of today.


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How to Cite
Finance, banking and insurance