• Serhii Poliatykin Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: motivation, management, green investments, innovations, risks, proposals, technologies, precision agriculture, agrarian enterprises


As a result of summarizing the opinions of scientists and taking into account the specifics of agricultural enterprises, it was determined that the management of innovative activities is a managerial decision regarding the set innovative goals and tasks for the use of innovative resources, intelligence, ideas, motives of the behavior of the enterprise's employees in order to increase its technological level, competitiveness of production, ensuring stable positions on the markets. It has been proven that motivation has a special place in this process. Motivation is basically a psychophysiological state. It develops in workers the desire to engage in this or that business. The primary role in this process is given to the desire to create for the sake of realizing one's goal. It is this that plays an important role in the formation and realization of the desired goals. In view of this, in order to successfully move towards the goal, it is advisable not only to design and organize activities, but also to look for real ways, to implement them in accordance with the developed plan. The effective implementation of the function of motivation requires, first of all, an understanding of what motivates an individual to work. And also the concept of how to direct the corresponding desires in order to achieve the company's goals. Rewards are a tool for encouraging personnel to behave in a purposeful manner. In the construction of management, a considerable range of real actions based on the system of human values is understood under reward. Psychology and sociology consider motivation on the border of behavioral manifestation of needs aimed at achieving goals. Proposals have been developed for the introduction of a technological innovation – a system of precision agriculture and the involvement of two new staff units in this work: an agronomist – a researcher and a specialist in precision agriculture. As a result, an increase in revenue from such a management decision is expected, which will exceed the costs of implementing the planned measures. The purchase of two unmanned aerial vehicles for the purposes of agricultural production is substantiated as a technical innovation. It has been proven that when productivity increases due to the use of technical innovation, the company's income increases. With the help of the method of simulation modeling, the scenarios of the development of the enterprise were developed, the feasibility of investing in the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises was proved.


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