Keywords: state regulation, regulatory policy of the state, economic development, executive power, state priorities


The article examines the works of domestic scientists regarding the state, priorities and prospects for the development of Ukrainian agro-industrial complex enterprises in modern conditions. An algorithm for the optimization of sown areas in conditions of uncertainty of the external natural environment has been developed based on the methods of game theory. The authors formulated recommendations regarding measures of the state regulatory policy, which will allow to bring the crop rotation plan to the recommended norms of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. Based on the results of the research, a regional distribution of the sown area of agricultural crops was carried out, which should guarantee the maximum possible return from the economic activity of agricultural enterprises, taking into account the action of random factors due to natural and climatic changes and on the basis of statistical data of 2016-2020. An iterative algorithm of outputs from the need to ensure a crop rotation plan, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. As a result of the analysis, it was found that today, in many regions of Ukraine, sunflower, grain and leguminous crops significantly exceed the scientifically based volumes, which does not allow for the planned rotation of crops to be carried out properly. The formed recommendations are aimed at eliminating the specified shortcomings by partially changing agricultural specialization. The article proves that the state regulatory policy should create incentives for their rapid implementation. Among the measures should be mentioned the state system of stimulating agricultural production, with simultaneous control of the quality of products for their environmental friendliness. It is noted that the scientific novelty of this work is the development of an iterative algorithm for the regional optimization of acreage at agricultural enterprises of Ukraine based on game theory, which, unlike the existing ones, takes into account the limitations regarding the need to ensure a planned rotation of agricultural crops and allows maximizing the average guaranteed level of profit.


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How to Cite
Chub, A. (2022). OPTIMIZATION OF CROWNED AREAS AT UKRAINE AGRICULTURE ENTERPRISES WITH TH E HELP OF GAME THEORY. Change Management and Innovation, (4), 26-31. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/2022-4-5