Keywords: strategy, management, communications, communications management mechanism, state banking institution


Enterprise communication is considered as one of the strategic spheres of activity. The peculiarities of strategic management of the communication policy of the state banking institution are highlighted and the communication management mechanism is developed. The elements of the communication system are outlined. Communication flows in the enterprise management system are considered. It was noted that communication in state banking institutions is a two-way process: on the one hand, it is aimed at influencing the target audience, and on the other hand, at receiving input information about the audience's reaction to communication activity with subsequent adjustment of messages. The goals of communication policy are outlined in terms of strategic (obtaining and maintaining market share, positioning, ensuring the planned level of profit, increasing the number of consumers, building loyalty, etc.) and tactical (obtaining income from current activity, increasing short-term profit, ensuring the desired relationship to a specific product, increasing frequency of service requests, etc.). The main functions of state banking communication, which affect its communications, are highlighted. It was noted that banking institutions have a cumbersome organizational structure, which negatively affects the effectiveness of communications. The principles according to which the mechanism of effective communication management of a banking institution should be formed are given. It was noted that the presence of a communication management mechanism allows to combine and coordinate the actions of all divisions of the bank, as well as the bank and its contact audiences. The components of the managerial influence of the internal subsystem are detailed. It is noted that marketing communications, which connect the enterprise with the market, come to the fore in the communication management mechanism. The issue of evaluating the effectiveness of the mechanism's functioning, in particular the selection of indicators and their quantitative assessment, remains unresolved.


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How to Cite
Teslenok, I., Sytnikov, O., & Nechiporenko, N. (2023). STRATEGIC PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION POLICY OF THE STATE BANKING INSTITUTION. Change Management and Innovation, (8), 60-65.
Finance, banking and insurance