• Dmytro Drynov National Defence University of Ukraine
  • Mykhailo Mos’ondz National Defence University of Ukraine
  • Dmytro Avramenko National Defence University of Ukraine
Keywords: modeling, artificial intelligence, dynamic processes, system performance


The topic of modeling dynamic processes in artificial intelligence (AI) tasks is highly relevant due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, as AI technologies continue to advance rapidly, there is an increasing demand for sophisticated algorithms and systems capable of understanding and responding to dynamic environments. Dynamic processes are inherent in many real-world scenarios, such as financial markets, supply chains, and autonomous vehicle navigation. Modeling these dynamics accurately is crucial for developing AI systems that can adapt and perform effectively in complex and ever-changing environments. Secondly, the ability to model dynamic processes is essential for achieving more human-like intelligence in AI systems. Human cognition is inherently dynamic, as individuals perceive, interpret, and respond to constantly changing stimuli and situations. By incorporating dynamic modeling techniques into AI algorithms, researchers can strive to emulate this aspect of human intelligence, leading to more robust and versatile AI systems. Furthermore, dynamic modeling in AI is essential for various applications, including predictive analytics, optimization, decision-making, and control. For example, in finance, accurate modeling of dynamic market trends is critical for making informed investment decisions. In healthcare, dynamic modeling can help predict disease outbreaks and optimize treatment strategies. In robotics, dynamic modeling enables precise control of robot movements in dynamic environments. The article examines the issue of modeling dynamic processes in artificial intelligence tasks. It is noted that the modeling of dynamic processes in artificial intelligence tasks includes the use of various methods for describing and analyzing changes in artificial intelligence systems or agents over time. This may include aspects such as evolution of system state, changes in input data, adaptation to new conditions, learning and improvement of skills, etc. Modeling dynamic processes in artificial intelligence tasks allows you to study and analyze the behavior of a system or an agent in changing conditions, develop more effective decision-making strategies, and increase the overall performance of the system.


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How to Cite
Drynov, D., Mos’ondz, M., & Avramenko, D. (2024). SIMULATION OF DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PROBLEMS. Change Management and Innovation, (9), 25-27.