Keywords: global innovation index, innovative development index, innovative activity, investing, funding sources, direct foreign investment, investment climate


The article analyzes the current situation of investment in innovative activity of Ukraine and considers the ways of intensifying the mentioned processes in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. The most profitable directions of innovative activity, which are possible on the basis of a developed financing system, have been determined. In accordance with the laws of the Civil Code of Ukraine, special attention is paid to the analytical review of the types and sources of investment activity, the main of which are investments at the expense of the company's own funds, the state budget and foreign funds. The rating of Ukraine, which reflects innovative development, among the countries of the world was analyzed. We are observing a significant deterioration of positions as a result of market development, the plane of creative output. In addition, a low rating in the development of the country's infrastructure, as well as the institutional level. It was determined that relative to the previous year, a positive result is noticeable in the development of business and infrastructure, but these positive changes are not enough. On the basis of the analysis of the total volume of expenditures of Ukraine by sources of investment activity for the period under study, the passive state attitude to innovation activity was clarified. It was determined that the main source of innovation financing was the own funds of Ukrainian enterprises. On the basis of the conducted survey among the general directors of enterprises regarding the investment attractiveness of Ukraine and the analysis of the integral indicator, a general assessment of the investment climate of Ukraine was determined. Research in this direction shows an insufficient level of attractiveness for investors due to the presence of certain problems of the modern investment climate. It has been found that foreign direct investment is the most desirable form of capital investment, as it allows the implementation of large projects, new technologies, and new corporate management practices. A comparative analysis of the volume of direct foreign investments received in Ukraine for the period from 2017 to 2022 was carried out. It was determined that it is vital for Ukraine to attract the necessary amount of direct foreign investments in the innovative direction, which require favorable investment climate conditions. The main ways of improving the country's investment climate are proposed, the most important of which are: stability and increase in the amount of financial resources of the state and regions; improvement of the taxation system, which involves the introduction of such a taxation system that would not restrain entrepreneurial and investment activity; formation of the legal environment of investors, etc.


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How to Cite
Pulina, T., Shytikova, L., & Zmykalo, O. (2022). WAYS OF ACTIVATING THE PROCESSES OF INVESTMENT IN INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN CRISIS. Change Management and Innovation, (4), 14-19. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/2022-4-3