• Maksym Poliakov Individual Entrepreneur, Kyiv
Keywords: strategic planning, infrastructural support of entrepreneurial activity, principles of strategic planning, methods of strategic planning


The article examines the process of strategic planning: a literature review was conducted, the main areas of research and procedures for strategic planning of infrastructural support for entrepreneurship were identified. Strategic planning of infrastructural support of entrepreneurial activity is understood as a management process, the implementation of which is determined by the application of certain types of strategic planning. The author highlighted strategic plans for development, resource provision, financing, coordination and adaptation. It is noted that the development of strategic plans for the infrastructural support of entrepreneurship should be based on methodological principles that determine and regulate their development and application, and strategic planning methods that solve the planning problem. The principles of strategic planning of the infrastructural support of entrepreneurship are the basic rules of strategic planning that regulate the requirements for drawing up strategic plans for the infrastructural support of entrepreneurship, based on systematicity, purposefulness, interconnection, logic and organization of application. The following principles of strategic planning of infrastructural support of entrepreneurship are highlighted: adequacy, variability, continuity, complexity, systematicity, priority, compliance, purposefulness, accuracy, analytical. A definition of the "method of strategic planning and forecasting" category is proposed: this is a method by which the problem of planning and forecasting is solved, which are the basis for making effective management decisions and the correct strategic directions for the development of the infrastructural support of entrepreneurship. The methods of strategic planning and forecasting of infrastructural provision of entrepreneurial activity are: the method of engineering and economic calculations, the method of economic and mathematical analysis and modeling, the method of reconciliation, the method of extrapolation of trends, the search method.


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How to Cite
Poliakov, M. (2023). STRATEGIC PLANNING OF ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE PROVISION. Change Management and Innovation, (5), 74-78.