The purpose of the study is to simulate and analyze the impact of changes in the price of energy resources on the region economic development. Two factors influence the quantitative demand of the region for energy resources. On the one hand, with the growth of the economy, the need for energy resources increases, since the production of goods and services that are the product of economic activity increases. On the other hand, technological development and innovations, on the contrary, contribute to a decrease in the consumption of the amount of equivalent fuel per unit of manufactured products and the orientation of technologies towards cheaper types of energy resources. Therefore, the total quantitative demand of the region for energy resources changes under the influence of factors of increasing and decreasing demand at the same time. The formation of the cost of each type of product takes into account the actual types of energy resources. To achieve the goal, a system analysis has been carried out and economic-mathematical models have been constructed that give an idea of the relationships between the factors under investigation. A graphic model has been constructed, which reflects a decrease in profits with an increase in energy prices. With the use of models it is proved that an increase in the price of energy resources allows energy suppliers to obtain superprofits by reducing the producer's profit. The specific nature of energy resources contributes to the creation of natural monopolies. Therefore, the use of leverage to obtain superprofits is becoming a reality and is a threat to the regional economic development. The study substantiates the need for state control over energy-generating companies supplying energy and controlling the tariff system. The ways of using levers of influence on the price of energy resources for economic development are revealed. A model is developed for the effect of changes in the cost of energy resources on the receipt of profit by business entities. Mechanisms for determining the boundaries of tariff increases are proposed. Recommendations are given to increase the use of the potential of the Zaporizhzhya NPP to promote the economic development of the region.
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