The article analyzes the activities of the Ukrainian Startup Fund (UFS) as a key state institution for the development of the startup ecosystem of our country. Its tools for supporting innovative projects, starting from the moment of creation, namely from 2018, are demonstrated. It is noted that the UFS was created to help innovative projects and technological startups attract funds at the early stages and launch their own projects. Since the first year of operation, the UFS has financed innovative projects in various sectors and industries, excluding only the production of tobacco and alcoholic products, as well as the gambling business, military and nuclear technologies. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the fund's focus is on startup projects at the early stages of seed and pre-seed development. It is noted that the areas of interest of the UFS from 2019 until the start of a full-scale war were: artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR/VR), big data analytics (BigData), blockchain, cyber security, defense technology, medicine and health care, travel, finance and technology (FinTech), educational platforms (EdTech), jobs, professional services, software as a service (SaaS), manufacturing, e-commerce, Internet of Things (IoT). The study demonstrated that with the start of active military operations in 2022, the UFS switched to supporting projects in the fields of defense tech and deep tech. During the war, the fund focused on supporting dual-purpose projects with grants of up to $35,000. and innovative voucher programs. The research emphasizes that since December 27, 2022, the Ukrainian Startup Fund came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, it has been tasked with systematically implementing ideas and promoting the development of startups in the field of military-tech (military technologies). The article reviews the main support tools of the UFS as of March 2024, as well as: grant support, "FastTrack to victory", "innovation vouchers", "corporate innovation", "Seeds of Bravery". It was concluded that since 2019, the UFS will play a key role in the development of the startup ecosystem of Ukraine, financing and developing innovative projects, representing Ukrainian projects at the international level and attracting international investments, as well as partnerships with leading corporations; its programs contribute to the creation of a technological landscape in Ukraine, increasing the country's competitiveness and innovation potential.
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