• Tetiana Pavliuk Zaporizhzhia National University
  • Yuliia Polusmiak Zaporizhzhia National University
  • A. Goncharov Zaporizhzhia National University
Keywords: innovation, development, strategy, enterprise, production efficiency, digitalization, technological advantages, transformations


The article considers the importance of the strategic development of innovations for enterprises, also provides the main modern approaches to the implementation of innovations and their development, provides recommendations for the application of already existing effective measures for the application of innovations and their introduction into the general strategy of companies. The rating of innovation opportunities of our country was analyzed. The main technological advantages of Ukraine are indicated. The importance and peculiarity of Industry 4.0 for the further innovative development of Ukrainian enterprises is noted. The significance of the main methods of determining "strategic drivers" and the corresponding target functions and determining the types of innovative development strategies is emphasized. It was concluded that all strategies are very similar, but differ in their orientation, that is, the vector for the development of research, product or technology. It is proposed to use digital flow models as one of the options for developing innovative components of companies. Based on the research conducted, taking into account the current state of innovation development of Ukrainian enterprises, in our opinion, it can be noted that Industry 4.0 will transform key production functions. It was concluded that the future of production is full of prospects and technological mastery. By considering the long-term perspective and implementing these innovative technologies, Ukrainian companies can lead the global Industry 4.0 ecosystem. In modern conditions, when the economy of Ukraine is focused on increasing competitiveness, the activation of innovative activity is very important, since without innovative activity it is impossible to implement progressive structural changes in the country and achieve significant shifts in the real sector in the conditions of general reconstruction. To ensure sustainable development of the country's social economy. Therefore, the main goal, which comes from the relevance of the selected research topic, is the formation of certain proposals for the strategic development of innovations of Ukrainian enterprises, based on the study of the modern innovation state of our economy.


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How to Cite
Pavliuk, T., Polusmiak, Y., & Goncharov, A. (2024). NEWEST OPPORTUNITIES FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIONS OF UKRAINIAN COMPANIES. Change Management and Innovation, (9), 44-50.