Keywords: educational innovations, innovative initiative, education, institution of higher education, innovative training, educational space


The article examines the essence of the concepts "innovative learning", "educational innovations", "educational space", "innovative initiative", object and subject of study. The structure of the life cycle of the introduction of educational innovation is defined. It is shown that the main direction of education in the EU countries is the introduction of vectors of innovative development of the European educational space. It has been proven that the main goal of innovation and internationalization is to create a single educational space of higher education, which ensures high quality of the educational process, increases the competitiveness and attractiveness of European higher education, promotes student mobility, and facilitates employment due the level of training. The article determines that integration into the European educational space requires the development and implementation of new approaches under the conditions of reform and modernization of specialist training in the country's higher educational institutions. Ukrainian higher education, which still differs significantly from the European one, has been analyzed, the weak correspondence of university training to the modern needs of the economy and society, the weak connection of higher education institutions (HEIs) with business has been determined. It was determined that in the modern theory and practice of education and training, the focus on the personal essence of a person dominates, which is directly related to innovative pedagogy and provides an opportunity to gradually transform into a system of new relationships. The meaning of the innovative initiative, its composition and the peculiarities of organizational actions at each of the stages of the innovative educational process are revealed. Research has proven that innovations in education are recognized not only as the final product of the application of any novelty with the provision of quality educational changes and obtaining economic, social, scientific-technical, ecological and other effects, but also as a constant renewal. The subject of pedagogical innovation is defined as a set of relationships in the educational process. The long-term strategy of modernization of the entire system of higher education in the wartime period requires the solution of financial, material and technical, personnel and legal problems; the application of qualitative innovative measures, which ensure the implementation of innovative educational technologies, which will be aimed at ensuring the quality of education; harmonization with the educational and scientific legislation of the European Union; active use of international technical assistance; development of private education in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Shytikova, L., Zmykalo, O., & Pulina, T. (2024). INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN EDUCATION: THE ESSENCE AND VECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT. Change Management and Innovation, (9), 51-54.