The article is dedicated not only to an analytical review of existing problems and challenges but also to the development of practical recommendations that would contribute to the formation of an effective and fair taxation system for small enterprises in Ukraine, considering their role as a driver of the national economy. The relevance of the conducted research is determined by a complex of factors. Despite the difficulties caused by the war, local business representatives show remarkable resilience and ambition for development. Data from surveys conducted in 2022 indicate that about 76% of small business owners plan to expand their operations in 2023. On one hand, effective optimization of the tax system can help small businesses reduce financial pressure, increase their competitiveness, and stimulate investment in innovation and development. On the other hand, it can contribute to increased tax revenues to the state budget through the legalization of shadow incomes and a reduction in the tax burden on legal businesses. Ultimately, tax optimization for small businesses can become a key element of a broader strategy for economic revival and sustainable growth in Ukraine. In Ukraine, a country on the path of European integration and economic reforms amidst post-war reconstruction prospects, small businesses play a critical role in creating jobs, ensuring social stability, and promoting innovative development. The main focus is on the analysis of contemporary taxation, accounting, and reporting conditions for SMEs, identifying existing issues in this area, and formulating strategic development perspectives. The authors have conducted a retrospective review of the transformation of the taxation system for small business under various conditions, including during wartime. The advantages and disadvantages of the simplified taxation system are highlighted. The study analyzes the features of the simplified accounting system that allow optimizing the accounting policy for small and medium businesses. As a result, key strategic directions for optimization for small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine have been established.
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