• V.V. Ostapenko ”Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
Keywords: economic risk, socio-economic relations, destructive games, Maslow's pyramid, risk management


Risk is part of the normal course of business of the entity. It is omnipresent and the only difference is the degree of risk. Each case of hiring a new employee, interaction with a new client, counterparty or partner entails a risk. At the same time, when people begin to show insincerity in behavior associated with the controllability of emotions and destructive human behavior, games with a negative total amount unfold. Risk management should include learning about negative bottom-line games and how to deal with them. In risk management when working with people, taking into account the perceived and unconscious behavior that is acceptable and not acceptable for the organization is used in economic organizations usually latently, and not directly. Paying great attention to learning in general, the society pays little attention to the problem of games. At the same time, games, when there are too many of them, can change the scenarios of enterprise development. The greatest risks are borne by the zone of transition from one stable environment to another. In risk management, this transition should also be sought between areas of relative stability. An entrepreneur, when a business begins to grow, is usually not ready to manage the expanding enterprise. What's going on? Why the previously successful economic structures suddenly start to stop in their development and fade away? Because of what the financial results of operations turn out to be much worse than the calculated ones, and what adds another vertical component of risk? This situation is described in the book by Lee Iacocchi "The Career of a Manager" in the situation with the Chrysler Corporation and in the book about the history of the plant "Dneprospetsstal" "This is our biography with you." The situations are described simply as not entirely clear. Over the past 60 years, there have been no natural disasters that could shift the risk lines along the vertical. Consequently, there is no reason to talk about playing against nature in taking into account economic risks. Hence, it is likely that the cause is social. The article compares the levels of Maslow's pyramid with the structuring of time by people, their semantic behavior and the level on the scale of emotional tones.


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How to Cite
Ostapenko, V. (2021). RISK MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL-ECONOMIC DESTRUCTIVE GAMES AREA. Change Management and Innovation, (1), 53-56. Retrieved from https://cmi.politehnica.zp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/13