In the conditions of the rise of the market infrastructure in Ukraine, the expansion of its functioning in all spheres of agricultural production, accordingly, there is a pattern of substantiation of the mechanism of innovation-oriented land use management as a direction of improvement of investment and innovation management of land use, which is the purpose of the study. As a result of the study, a scheme of relationships between the main production processes, environmental risks, environmental protection measures and management procedures in land use was highlighted. The priority of risks for each stage of management has been determined, which will contribute to the analysis of the effectiveness of the implemented environmental protection measures. The impact of intensive technologies on the management system and financial results of agricultural enterprises is determined. From a practical point of view, we have analyzed and developed the main aspects of the need for the functioning of innovation-oriented management. Legislative requirements for land use management are considered, distinctive and common features are revealed. Attention is paid to issues of nature protection activities in land use. Current problems of substantiating the mechanism of innovation-oriented land use management of agricultural enterprises to ensure the efficiency of commodity production have been studied. The intensification of land use led to the formation of a complex ecological situation in the country. The ecological situation in land use is recognized as extremely tense. At the same time, some areas are on the verge of an ecological crisis. The corresponding state was the result of miscalculations in the placement and development of production forces and a low level of developed innovation-oriented management technologies. In the conditions of modern life, environmental safety is an important component of national security. The Constitution stipulates that the duty of the state is to ensure environmental safety and maintain ecological balance in the state. First of all, it concerns issues of land use management.
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