The article is devoted to the problems of managing the production potential of an industrial enterprise with the help of planning tools. It analyses the theoretical basis, conceptual and categorical apparatus of production potential and potential management. The signs and characteristics of the production potential of enterprise from the point of view of the resource approach have been determined. The subsystem of management of the industrial enterprise's production potential in the author's understanding is presented in the form of certain stages and a set of direct and feedback links in the process of analysing the situation and assessing the production potential of enterprise, identifying problem areas of its status and use, clarifying the goals and developing an action programme, and a mechanism for further implementation of the programme. The production potential was assessed by the following elements and indicators: production component - to assess the level of the current state of production potential: depreciation coefficient of fixed assets, serviceability coefficient of fixed assets, growth rate of fixed assets; production component - to assess the efficiency of fixed assets use: capital intensity, capital efficiency, operating profitability of fixed assets; material component - material intensity coefficient, material efficiency coefficient, share of material resources, share of inputs, share of outputs, share of outputs in total production. Particular attention is paid to the development of a structural and logical scheme for the formation and implementation of the (production potential of an industrial enterprise) PPIE development programme, which includes four stages: identification and assessment of needs; programme development, completion and evaluation; implementation and monitoring, which cover ten consecutive stages of action: 1) identification and assessment of needs: verification of production capacity development objectives; assessment of capacities required to achieve the PPIE objectives; determination of the impact of training on the nature of changes in capacity factors; 2) programme development: defining the programme objectives in terms of capacity indicators; identification of change agents and defining the change process; setting the expected learning outcomes and their indicators; project activities; 3) implementation and monitoring: monitoring learning outcomes; adjusting the programme as necessary; monitoring target indicators of capacity and progress towards achieving the PPIE objectives and adjusting the programme as necessary; 4) completion and evaluation: evaluation of achievements and learning outcomes, targeted change indicators.
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