In modern business conditions, the activity of Ukrainian enterprises in the hotel and restaurant business shows that today, the stability of economic and social processes in society directly depends on the financial stability of enterprises, that is, the ability of enterprises to generate cash flows. Correctly formulated legal concepts are of great importance for researching the issue of cash flow management. The concept of "cash flow" is widely used in the theory and practice of economics, so its unequivocal interpretation by economists of various specialties is very important. Based on the analysis, the concept of cash flow is defined as a collection of cash receipts and disbursements distributed over time, which the company receives and pays out during a certain period for the purpose of implementing any project or functioning of one or another type of assets. Let's consider several successive stages of the development of this plan: - forecast of receipt and expenditure of funds for current activities; - calculation of the planned indicators of receipt and expenditure of funds from investment activities (taking into account the indicator of the ChGP of the current activity); - development of planned indicators of receipt and expenditure of funds from financial activities, which provides sources of external financing for operational and investment activities in the future period; - forecasting gross and net cash flow, as well as dynamics of cash balances in the enterprise. Cash flow management is considered - one of the most significant areas of the financial management system, which is closely related to other enterprise management systems. The results of the cash flow optimization process are reflected in the system of formation and use of cash in the future period.Therefore, for the implementation of measures aimed at increasing income, the following recommendations can be offered: - determine the list of property that is not used in current economic activity, with the aim of its further sale or lease; - monitor the state of payables and the amount of cash by offering suppliers various payment schemes that allow timely repayment of debts without risk to the main activity; - increase own capital without relying on external sources of financing; analyze prices and volumes of products sold, find a solution that will help increase the inflow of additional funds without increasing prices; - try to get more profit with service consumers by improving the settlement system; develop a methodology that assesses the impact of measures on the flow of cash; - draw up a plan of receipt and expenditure of funds for forecasting gross and net cash flows for various types of activities, which will ensure solvency in future periods. The listed recommendations can increase the level of financial and economic development of the enterprise, improve the flow of cash, provide a positive economic effect and protect the enterprise from the threat of bankruptcy.
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