Keywords: ownership, appropriation, informatively-digital intellectual product, institutionalization, transaction costs, innovation economics


The paper discusses of self-regulation of institutionalization of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product, what mediated by transaction costs, in the national economy of Ukraine. The aim of this research is an open of substitution of transaction costs, what peculiar to institutionalization of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product. A variant of integration method was used for achieving of the aim of the research. The most evidential measures of regulation of economics and institutionalization of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product in alternative conceptions of economic theory were outlined, namely: programs of reforms that answer group interests (neoclassical conception); correction of the aggregate demand, flexible tax systems, economic policy (Keynes conception); public control per by contract relations, institutes (social-institutional conception). Was elucidated, what into self-regulation of institutionalization of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product the transaction costs an exerting the substitution in situation: creation of no legitimate intellectual product (in the cluster of creators), tax evasion and payments (in the cluster of producers), illegal procedures of decision of conflicts (in the cluster of mediators-entrepreneurs). The functional of substitution of transaction costs into self-regulation of recreation of actors of appropriation of no legitimate intellectual product was formalized in the system of equalizations. Further researches must be goal-seeking to the search of measures of government regulation of institutionalization of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product, what suitable for the improvement of strategy of post-war renewal of national economics of Ukraine and providing of the extended reproduction of appropriation of intellectual product. Practical importance of the paper was represented in availability for government regulation of reproduction of appropriation of informatively-digital intellectual product and improvement of strategy of post-war renewal of national economy of Ukraine.


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