The article describes the essence of profit and cost, considered the impact of costs and costs on the profit of the enterprise. The profitability of the enterprise is investigated, its essence is revealed. It is noted how exactly the costs affect the formation of profits of the company. It is noted that in a market economy, one of the most important indicators that reflect the financial condition of any enterprise is profit and income. They are the purpose of enterprises of various forms of ownership. But today Ukraine is in a rather difficult situation, namely in a situation of financial crisis, which unfortunately lasts not the first year. As a result, the country is experiencing a decline in profits at most companies, and some even have a loss-making situation. Therefore, for the sake of successful activity there is a need to find new ways to increase profits. It is proved that At this stage of the market economy the primary task for entrepreneurs and business leaders is the ability to master more effective methods of managing their business, production and sales, which will primarily have a positive impact on the outcome of financial activities, namely profit. The profitability of enterprises of various forms of ownership occupies a leading place among the economic indicators of their activities. After all, with insufficiently qualified and high-quality cost management, as well as incorrect strategic development, the company will begin to lose liquidity and in the near future as a result may become bankrupt. Therefore, it is the increase in profitability that allows the company to continue its existence in the market, to develop the scope of its activities to a larger size and provides an opportunity to obtain a higher degree of business activity. It is determined that costs play an important role in the formation of enterprise profits, it is from the effective cost management depends on the pro-bability of increasing the company's profits. The level of change in profitability is studied on the example of the enterprise PJSC "ENERGORESOURSY". The example shows that the easiest way to increase the level of profit along with profitability, reducing production costs. But in addition, the additional volume of production at a reduced cost will in itself give additional income. Autors proposed ways to increase profits and profitability.
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