• Andrii Makurin Dnipro University of Technology
  • Semyon Kozarevych Dnipro University of Technology
Keywords: innovative enterprise, technological process, innovative development, investments, personnel potential


Innovative development is associated with a system of factors and conditions that are necessary for its increase. The main features of innovation are high risk, novelty and increased commercialization. The main features of innovation include the presence of the so-called life cycle of the innovation process, the stages of which are: birth, growth, maturity, saturation, decline. Countries with a developed market economy form such a system of relations between science, production and society, in which innovations are the basis of the development of industry and economy, and determine the most important directions of scientific activity. Thus, the conclusion follows that the formation and construction of the mechanism of innovative development of the country (region) is possible through the joint efforts of the state, entrepreneurial structures and the scientific environment, as well as society as a whole. The purpose of the work is to study the main theoretical aspects of innovative activity of enterprises as a basis for sustainable development. A direct characteristic of the intensity of production development is technological innovation, which has always received the greatest attention of researchers. They include all changes related to means, methods, production technology, which make up the essence of scientific and technical progress. In contrast to technical innovations, changes occurring in the environment that serve the main production processes are defined as non-technological. Therefore, it is suggested that innovative development should be understood as the use of fundamentally new progressive production technologies for the creation of high-tech products taking into account the used resources. Global business is intensively accelerating digitalization and the implementation of innovative achievements in the economy and production in various spheres in the life of the country. According to Gartner forecasts, global IT spending related to remote work alone will amount to $332.9 billion this year, which is 4.9% more than last year. The problems that lead to inhibition of innovative development in Ukraine and, accordingly, low positions in international ratings are given.


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How to Cite
Makurin, A., & Kozarevych, S. (2024). INNOVATION PROCESSES AT DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES. Change Management and Innovation, (10), 46-50.
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