• Vira Shevchuk Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Nataliia Baburnych Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: information support, technical support, trade enterprise, accounting, business process, automation


Maximum efficiency of trade business processes in today's environment cannot be achieved without a proper level of automation of commodity and cash flows. Automation of business processes in trade solves a number of tasks to increase the company's competitiveness in the market. The article examines the methods of creating and implementing information and technical support for business processes in retail and wholesale trade. It is determined that comprehensive automation of business processes in trade involves the formation of hardware and software. The technical means include a wide range of equipment, devices and devices designed to ensure comfortable, fast, safe and error-free work of the personnel of a trade enterprise. A modern trading enterprise cannot function without the introduction of technical support. The main types of tools for automating trading activities are: ERP-systems, CRM-systems, POS-systems, warehouse accounting systems. When building a typical architecture of a trade business process automation system, it is determined that the main centers for generating accounting information are the accountant, cashiers and warehouse workers of a trading enterprise. A typical architecture of a trade business process automation system includes the following elements: an automated workstation, servers of the accounting and warehouse accounting system, as well as cash registers and information flows in the office-warehouse-store system. Accordingly, the study characterizes the requirements for automated workplaces of employees of a trading enterprise and provides a set of works in organizing automated accounting in a wholesale warehouse. The functions of automation of trade business processes are presented: accounting, control, management, communication, security and analytical, and their main characteristics. The requirements for automation of processes related to e-commerce are defined, in particular, such as: dynamism, integration with the accounting system, automatic order processing and updating of the product range, multivariate payment and delivery methods, stylish modern appearance and protection against cyber-attacks.


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How to Cite
Shevchuk, V., & Baburnych, N. (2024). INFORMATION AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF THE TRADING ACTIVITY ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. Change Management and Innovation, (10), 56-60.
Accounting and taxation