• Oleksandr Levit Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
  • Viacheslav Rogov Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
Keywords: economic activity, shipbuilding, engineering, value chain, intellectual capital, utilization of intellectual capital, economic integration


The aim of the article is to conduct a comprehensive study of approaches to optimizing and managing intellectual capital in shipbuilding engineering services within the context of Industry 5.0, to ensure long-term competitiveness of enterprises. The research methodics is based on a systemic approach to analyzing intellectual capital as an integrated structure, where human, informational and technological, organizational and relational capital interact. Findings. A comprehensive analysis of approaches to optimizing and managing intellectual capital in shipbuilding engineering services under the conditions of Industry 5.0 has been conducted. The role of intellectual capital as a strategic resource that ensures long-term sustainable development of enterprises has been examined. The main components of intellectual capital and their impact on the competitiveness of enterprises have been studied. Modern design technologies that require a high level of intellectual capacity have been identified. The importance of effective interaction between human, information-technological, organizational, and relational capital for achieving the strategic goals of an enterprise has been proven. A classification of enterprises by the intensity level of intellectual capital usage has been developed. The problems of intellectual capital management, particularly at the stages of research, development and design, have been highlighted. Examples of hybrid enterprises that use intellectual capital to integrate engineering and production processes have been provided. The main challenges and risks faced by shipbuilding industry enterprises in managing intellectual capital within the context of Industry 5.0 have been studied. The necessity of creating effective mechanisms for managing these risks to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises in modern realities has been determined. Practical Significance. The results of the research contribute to the development of specific recommendations for enterprises to enhance the effectiveness of intellectual capital management.


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