Keywords: transfer of energy innovations, incentives, drivers, energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy transfer, decarbonization


The article explores the drivers of energy innovations to improve the organizational mechanism and promote the transfer of energy innovations. The research is based on scientific publications from the Scopus database using the keywords "driving AND energy AND innovations. The analysis was conducted in temporal and geographical dimensions, which formed the basis for the construction and visualization of bibliometric networks using VOSviewer. The analysis conducted using the VOSviewer 16.16.1 toolkit identified that the green cluster (second cluster) is key in sustainability research, the red cluster (first cluster) focuses on energy efficiency and innovations, the blue cluster (third cluster) on renewable energy, and the yellow cluster (fourth cluster) on energy transmission and decarbonization. All clusters interact closely, forming a complex network of research in the field of energy innovations. On the basis of the conducted research, the factors of energy innovation were determined. Among which are identified such as energy security, climate change, economic development, technological progress, social aspect. It is proposed to introduce innovative changes taking into account the synergistic effect: between innovations regarding the services provided for the main network by mini networks; between innovations to optimize the operation of the energy resources distribution system; between innovations of different hierarchical levels. The main conclusion after analyzing the problems of implementation and stimulating the transfer of energy innovations can be noted that the greater the number of innovative solutions implemented, the lower the costs for organizing the activities of the general system as a whole. The tools and components of improving the organizational mechanism and stimulating the transfer of energy innovations are defined. The main tools for improving the organizational mechanism of the transfer of energy innovations include: creation of effective institutional structures, improvement of the legislative framework, institutional support for innovations. Tools for stimulating the transfer of energy innovations have been identified: support for research and development (R&D), support for startups and small innovative enterprises, development of partnerships between science and business, education and personnel training, infrastructure development. The scientific and methodical approach to stimulating the transfer of energy innovations is based on the following key components: system analysis, strategic planning, use of financial instruments, institutional support, educational and information measures, as well as monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Matvieieva, Y., Rybalchenko, S., Opanasiuk, Y., Taraniuk, K., & Zheliba, V. (2024). ELEMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL MECHANISM AND STIMULATION OF THE TRANSFER OF ENERGY INNOVATIONS. Change Management and Innovation, (11), 23-32. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/2024-11-4