• Nataliia Andrushkevych Cherkassy Branch of Private Higher Education Establishment «European University»
  • Ihor Antoniv Private Higher Educational Establishment «European University»
Keywords: socio-economic development, strategy, adaptation, instability, development efficiency


The development strategy, as one of the initial stages of planning, forms the basis for further development of the plan in all its aspects by various functional divisions of the organizational system of enterprise management with the involvement of modern methodical means of planning and decision-making. Its substantiation in the process of work on the formation of a socio-economic development plan strengthens the importance of target orientation in the creation of plans. It makes it possible to identify the most important problems, the solution of which requires the preparation of special programs and the creation of problem-targeted management groups, which allow to determine the ways of achieving the set goals in accordance with the situation in the environment. This gives a qualitatively agreed and quantitatively balanced working hypothesis of the company's development for the future and a system of the main indicators of this development. Thus, due to the instability of the modern market, the development strategy of a manufacturing enterprise must be adaptive, that is, able to adapt to environmental conditions that change over time. The strategy of economic and social development is the main constructive element of the long-term planning of the activity of a modern production enterprise. This strategy defines the key goals and tasks of the economic and social development of the enterprise, proposes the adoption of principled strategic decisions regarding the development of all elements of the production potential, substantiates the possible ways of increasing production volumes and solving social problems. It is aimed at providing a comprehensive approach to solving general economic, scientific, technical and social tasks of the long-term perspective, as well as prioritizing individual goals and programs of social and economic development of the enterprise in market conditions. The article offers approaches to solving various problems related to the formation of an adaptive strategy for the socio-economic development of manufacturing enterprises in unstable market conditions.


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How to Cite
Andrushkevych, N., & Antoniv, I. (2024). FORMATION OF AN ADAPTIVE STRATEGY FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE. Change Management and Innovation, (11), 52-56.