The statute has a public view of the administrative market with insurance. Zagalniystan with silskogospodarskogo insurance in Ukraine that proposes a new way for the development of the public administration on the market of civilization. Vaznacheno a number of problems, even streaming rozvitok market with lіskkogospodarskogo insurance. Reserved for development for development of insurance in the minds of incomplete land reform, the importance of civilized land and agropromislovyvirobnitva. For an effective funktion of the market for insurance of various products and forms required by the laws and forms of the insurance of the agricultural parties – insurance and insurance companies, who have worked for them, I’ve got it, I’m on the world, I’m of the world, you and your family, you’re there, I’ve got to get to work, I’m working on your insurance companies, and you’ve got Initiative in the trunk market of insurance and coordination of mutual participation among the participants of the agricultural insurance industry takes on itself in a particular country. The form, in the yakuy Power, took upon itself the function of compensation, through the direct payments, on the same day they didn’t agree with the form of civilized insurance t’s worthy to insure the destabilization of the market by the protest of the demotic activist, who has ceased to be violated the process, who has the best technology, guaranteeing the reduction of the price. Subsequent successful development of the market lies in the expansion of insurance services, competitiveness of competitiveness; expansion infrastructure; in accordance with the procedure for the insurance policy; putting vimog to order the establishment of the insurance organizations; the progress of legislation in accordance with the regulatory framework; the trunk of the insurance of Ukraine and international integration of Ukraine in the international structures.
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