The national security management system has been demonstrated to encompass various domains, including food security, energy security, environmental sustainability, demographic stability, resource management, economic resilience, information security, and more. Each domain necessitates a distinct approach to formalized management, which involves the establishment of clear indicators for sustainable development and the identification of risks and threats that may result in diverse forms of losses, including financial, economic, resource-based, and human. The authors have examined the risks and threats to national economic security and analyzed approaches to understanding the impact of economic security on it. It has been established that a country’s economic security is shaped by internal and external environmental factors, which exert both direct and indirect influences. This study identifies key factors that facilitate the analysis of the multiplicity of risks and threats affecting Ukraine’s economic security, with particular emphasis on the role of digitalization, which has become a critical determinant of both economic and information security. The authors emphasize the need to account for specific risks and threats associated with digitalization, including the increasing prevalence of cyber threats and cyberattacks, the absence of a robust cybersecurity management framework, and the exacerbation of digital inequality due to unequal access to digital technologies across regions and social groups. Additional challenges include high dependence on foreign technologies, software, platforms, and digital infrastructure; inadequate workforce skills due to insufficient training and retraining programs; the leakage of confidential data resulting from weak personal data protection legislation or poor compliance with security standards; job displacement; underdeveloped digital infrastructure in certain regions; and a growing incidence of economic crimes in the digital domain.To address these identified risks and threats, the article proposes an algorithm for the formalized management of economic security risks and threats in Ukraine under digitalization conditions. This algorithm integrates modern information technologies for the systematic identification, assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of economic threats. It has been further demonstrated that timely responses to risks and threats within the context of comprehensive digitalization require several critical measures. These include the implementation of automated response protocols, the adoption of secure digital platforms for coordinating actions among government agencies, financial institutions, and businesses to facilitate rapid crisis response, and the deployment of automated procedures to counter cyberattacks. Such procedures may encompass data encryption, systematic data backup, and restoring operational functionality.
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