The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the need for development of enterprise potential in the circular economy, which is relevant in the context of fierce competition and uncertainty. The author's research has shown that the characteristics of individual indicators of the structural potentials of an enterprise allow forming a fairly complete picture of the qualitative state of its overall potential. At the same time, such results do not allow comparing the levels of realisation of potentials of different enterprises. Therefore, the author proposes to calculate the integral indicators of the structural, functional and overall potential of enterprise by applying a multiplicative model using the geometric mean formula. The article also presents a model for assessing the need to develop the potential of an agro-industrial enterprise in a circular economy. The analysis of the activities of the studied enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy showed a fairly high level of indicators characterising their potential in 2019-2023, with some exceptions at the enterprises that suffered the most from the consequences of aggression. The author defines the integral indicators of potentials of all levels at the researched enterprises, studies market opportunities for their further development. The main internal factors of development of the overall potential of the researched enterprises are: increasing the efficiency of implementation (use) of production potential through continuous updating of the technical and technological potential on an innovative basis; strengthening the labour potential by improving the quality of labour resources; optimising the use of financial potential; developing the market potential. By means of cluster analysis, the levels of influence of structural elements of potential on the overall potential of an enterprise are determined. Among the structural potentials of an enterprise, the financial potential has the greatest positive impact on the functional potentials, while the production potential has the least. Among the functional potentials, the market potential has the greatest positive impact on the overall potential of the enterprise, while the production potential, provided the stability of the other two functional potentials, has a negative impact on the overall potential.
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