• Oleksiy Pavlenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: agricultural products, environmental requirements, agriculture, martial law, export


The export of agricultural products is one of the main areas of development of the Ukrainian economy and foreign economic relations with other countries. During a full-scale war, the export of this type of product is a priority for the development of the country's economy, as it is strategically important for stabilizing the country. To ensure effective exports, there are a number of requirements that must be met by producers. However, the requirements published during martial law do not include environmental requirements. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify the main environmental requirements for agricultural exports under martial law and to determine how they may affect the export of Ukrainian agricultural products. First, the main trends in the export of Ukrainian agricultural products are considered. The author analyses the current requirements for the export of agricultural products based on the provisions of domestic legislation. The measures that have been introduced to improve the state of exports of agricultural products from Ukraine are considered. The importance of compliance with environmental requirements when exporting agricultural products to international markets is emphasized. The author outlines a list of environmental requirements for the export of Ukrainian agricultural products, which should be presented in the form of recommendations to domestic entrepreneurs. The implementation of these requirements will help to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products in foreign markets and will contribute to an increase in demand for them. The results obtained are of great scientific importance, since for the first time the importance of introducing environmental requirements for the export of Ukrainian agricultural products is substantiated. The practical significance of the results obtained is the creation of a detailed and systematic list of environmental requirements that Ukrainian entrepreneurs must take into account in order to enter international markets. This list takes into account the specifics of the environmental legislation of importing countries, modern sustainability standards, product quality requirements, and environmental responsibility throughout the entire production cycle - from growing raw materials to transporting them. This approach will help to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products, expand the geography of exports, reduce the risk of environmental claims from international partners, and strengthen Ukraine's image as a supplier of environmentally friendly and safe products.


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How to Cite
Pavlenko, O. (2024). ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EXPORT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Change Management and Innovation, (12), 53-56. https://doi.org/10.32782/CMI/2024-12-8