• Antonina Humeniuk Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Khmelnytskyi Institute of the Private Joint-Stock Company “Higher education institution “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”
  • Hanna Tsymbaliuk Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Khmelnytskyi Institute of the Private Joint-Stock Company “Higher education institution “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”
Keywords: salary, accounting, audit, automation, calculations


The article emphasizes that issues related to payroll calculation and payment are among the most significant aspects of the accounting system. This area of accounting reflects each employee's individual contribution to the enterprise's overall performance, which serves as the basis for calculating wages. Therefore, special attention is given to the methodology of auditing payroll calculations. The article highlights that automated data processing in auditing enables comprehensive analysis of payroll calculations, social fund contributions, sick leave, and vacation pay accruals. Additionally, potential prospects for developing payroll audit practices at enterprises are explored. The relevance of analyzing this issue stems from changes in the regulatory and documentation framework for payroll and its taxation at enterprises. Thus, the audit of payroll calculations and compliance with tax legislation requirements is an integral part of the financial statement review for an entity. Conducting such an audit allows management to promptly identify and correct deficiencies and accidental errors in accounting, thereby reducing the risk of penalties or minimizing their amount. The specifics of each enterprise influence the nuances of payroll audits, the organization of accounting, and personnel management. Establishing an internal audit department within the enterprise would enhance operational control over changes, transactions, and processes, enabling timely prevention of errors, mitigating risks, and achieving strategic goals more effectively. Additionally, it ensures multifunctional use of information. However, implementing such a department would require increased workloads for staff due to the need for processing large data volumes and regular software updates. To improve payroll accounting and auditing, it is advisable to implement comprehensive local software solutions, automate contributions to social funds, and facilitate employee payments through banking software systems, particularly payment cards.


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How to Cite
Humeniuk, A., & Tsymbaliuk, H. (2024). METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF AUDIT OF PAYMENT CALCULATIONS. Change Management and Innovation, (12), 72-76.
Accounting and taxation