The article investigates the accounting and analytical support for settlements with buyers and customers, emphasizing its critical role in the financial activities of enterprises. The study examines the primary types of contracts and their significance for accounting, as well as the specific features of accounts receivable and accounts payable. Particular attention is paid to managing accounts receivable, which is identified as a crucial factor in ensuring the financial stability and operational efficiency of companies. By analyzing the principles underlying contractual obligations, the research highlights methods for forecasting and evaluating financial liabilities, allowing enterprises to optimize their cash flow management. The paper elaborates on the key approaches to assessing accounts receivable, focusing on their liquidity, repayment schedules, and associated risks. Effective accounts receivable management is presented as a strategic tool for maintaining the financial solvency of organizations while reducing potential disruptions in cash flow. The research also outlines how companies can integrate predictive analytics and modern financial instruments to mitigate the risks of overdue payments and default, thereby enhancing their competitive advantage. In addition to technical and methodological aspects, the article explores the broader implications of contractual agreements, stressing their influence on overall financial resilience. It underscores the necessity for robust accounting frameworks that align with regulatory requirements while being adaptable to dynamic market conditions. Special emphasis is placed on balancing short-term liquidity management with long-term strategic planning, including the optimization of credit terms and the establishment of reserve funds for doubtful debts. The practical value of the study lies in the proposed improvements to accounting and analytical practices that can contribute to better decision-making and resource allocation. The article suggests a comprehensive approach to the financial analysis of settlements, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative factors. This approach aids in identifying bottlenecks in the payment cycle, developing tailored solutions, and fostering stronger relationships with customers and suppliers. Finally, the study highlights the evolving role of accounting and financial analytics in a rapidly changing economic environment. It argues for a shift towards a more proactive and integrated system of managing settlements with buyers and customers, which combines traditional accounting principles with innovative technologies. By adopting such systems, enterprises can ensure greater transparency, enhance their operational performance, and achieve sustained financial growth. This comprehensive investigation offers valuable insights for practitioners and researchers seeking to advance their understanding of settlement management and its impact on enterprise sustainability.
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