This article explores public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a key mechanism for advancing the hospitality industry infrastructure in Ukraine. Drawing on international examples such as Marina Bay Sands (Singapore) and EuroDisney (France), it highlights the advantages of PPPs, including attracting investments, modernizing infrastructure, creating jobs, and integrating innovations. The study proposes a strategic PPP development model that incorporates enhancing the regulatory framework, building strategic partnerships, modernizing infrastructure, digital transformation, and developing human capital. It also identifies significant barriers to PPP implementation in Ukraine, such as bureaucratic inefficiencies, legislative gaps, lack of transparency, and limited institutional capacity. Recommendations are provided for adapting successful international PPP models to Ukrainian realities, focusing on legal optimization, simplifying administrative procedures, and encouraging private investment through fiscal incentives. Special attention is given to the potential of digital tools like Big Data and CRM systems to enhance service quality and improve operational efficiency. The proposed model aims to strengthen the competitiveness of Ukraine’s hospitality sector, ensuring its sustainable development and alignment with global tourism trends. The findings suggest that an integrated PPP approach can drive economic growth, support regional development, and solidify Ukraine’s position as an attractive tourist destination on the international stage.
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