The article examines modern approaches to strategic management of business entities in the context of digitalization. It is found that traditional analog management technologies based on the analysis of historical data are losing their relevance due to their lack of flexibility and failure to take into account future structural changes. Instead, digital technologies provide the opportunity to carry out strategic planning at a qualitatively new level, ensuring the processing of large amounts of data, analysis of the probabilities of changes in the external environment and the formation of long-term competitive advantages. The transformation of strategic management under the influence of digital innovations is considered. The importance of digital transformation strategies, which are focused on the integration of innovative technologies into all aspects of enterprise activities, including the modification of business models, process optimization and adaptation to dynamic market conditions, is emphasized. Particular attention is paid to the need for a systematic approach to the implementation of digital technologies through the search for innovative solutions, testing, integration at the enterprise level and assessment of effectiveness. The key benefits of digitalization are outlined, including automation of internal processes, cost reduction, increased speed of customer service and creation of a new value proposition. The need to form a digital business strategy that covers not only the internal activities of the enterprise, but also dynamic business ecosystems is indicated. The authors emphasize that successful digital transformation requires updated management approaches, modernization of corporate culture and active participation of enterprise leaders in forming a strategic vision of change. The results of the study are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of strategic management in the context of digital challenges, ensuring the sustainability of enterprises in the market and forming the foundations for their sustainable development. Digitalization has been proven to change the balance of power between companies competing in the same market environment, transforming business structures, establishing new rules of the game, and influencing the ways in which competition is conducted at different levels.
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