It was found that the current stage of functioning of domestic enterprises, despite the consequences of the military aggression of russia, is characterized by an increase in the level of intellectualization and digitalization of activities. It became obvious that the existing competence component of the intellectual capital of enterprises does not meet the global challenges and conditions of the digital economy, and enterprises need to transform and develop it to maintain their competitiveness. An analysis of the terms “competence” and “competence” was conducted, which made it possible to determine which competencies need to be strengthened in the conditions of the digital economy. At the same time, it was emphasized that in the modern world, the development of the competence component of the intellectual capital of enterprises in the conditions of the digital economy must take into account that information and communication technologies are intertwined in production, business and management structures, which determines the birth of a new era of the post-digital world. It was found that the development of the competence component of the intellectual capital of enterprises is subject to the influence of many factors, which were divided into positive and negative. The successful development of the competency component requires a strategic approach to the use of positive factors and effective risk management, which opens up a number of additional advantages and opportunities for them. The feasibility of adopting a number of decisions to solve a set of tasks is substantiated, the implementation of which will allow the enterprise to increase its competitiveness, efficiency and adaptability in the digital environment. It is emphasized that the development of the competency component of the intellectual capital of enterprises in the digital economy is not only a tool for improving existing processes, but also an incentive for creating new business models and competitive advantages and is an important and complex process that should be carried out according to a developed phased plan. The proposed phased plan will help each enterprise to develop the competency component of the intellectual capital to adapt to the conditions of the digital economy, increase its competitiveness and ensure strategic innovative progress.
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