Production management has always been of great importance for the development of society, but now its role has especially increased in the conditions that are characteristic of both Ukraine and the entire world economy. Despite the fact that Ukraine is currently in a state of war, new cardinal, qualitative and complex changes in the strategic management system are constantly being formed and implemented. Such changes are aimed at solving the problems of resource potential in general, in particular the development of labor potential in the field of machine-building, which ensures the success and effectiveness of management at the level of enterprises in Ukraine and developed European countries. The article proves that in order to get out of the current negative dynamics of production and economic indicators, it is necessary to create and strengthen an effective strategic management system, which requires, first of all, providing the industry with highly professional personnel, including managers, as well as, on the basis of appropriate legislative and regulatory documents, effective training, retraining, and advanced training of personnel. This article aims to analyze the existing experience of forming and improving labor potential in the system of strategic management, training personnel and managerial personnel-leaders and to determine the features of public personnel policy in the field of machine-building industry in order to actively use such experience in Ukraine. Modern research in this area is based on a systematic analysis of the main scientific works and regulatory and legal foundations that ensure the implementation of public policy on the formation of labor potential, its development, and the training of professional managers in the field of strategic management in the machine-building industry. Effective assessment of any resources, including labor, is a vital tool for managing them. Therefore, methodological approaches to assessment are proposed that allow determining and analyzing the effective results of the labor sphere in terms of using labor potential, which provide a more substantiated and accurate assessment and at the same time simplify the scope of research and analytical operations. A comprehensive approach is used that allows assessing the economic efficiency of labor at the enterprise level, determining the effectiveness of the resources used, and developing measures for restructuring and anti-crisis management.
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