• Dmytro Antoniuk National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic; Zaporizhzhia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Vitalii Zhukov National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic
Keywords: post-war reconstruction, post-war recovery experience, economic modernisation, infrastructure reconstruction, international assistance, social cohesion


The full-scale war in Ukraine has caused unprecedented destruction to its economy, infrastructure and social structure. This paper aims to analyse the experience of post-conflict reconstruction in the world to identify key success factors, challenges and practical recommendations for Ukraine's recovery. The research methodology includes a review of international case studies with a focus on examples from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The main findings highlight the importance of international support, political commitment, public engagement, and infrastructure recovery. Lessons from the success of the Marshall Plan in Europe demonstrate the transformative role of coordinated financial assistance. Countries such as Germany and Italy have used external assistance to rebuild their economies and infrastructure, with an emphasis on political reform and transparency. Similarly, Finland's approach has emphasised the importance of public participation and social cohesion in ensuring effective public housing and infrastructure projects. Nepal's experience highlights the importance of psychological support and integration of displaced populations, while the Middle East illustrates the challenges of long-term instability and weak governance. For Ukraine, the study suggests prioritising the rebuilding of critical infrastructure, improving the efficiency of international aid management, and creating favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Emphasis should be placed on social programmes to address the needs of displaced people and veterans, as well as environmental recovery efforts to combat the environmental damage caused by the war. These measures should be integrated into a comprehensive national strategy that aligns international assistance with local development goals, ensuring sustainable economic modernisation and social stability. This study provides practical implications for economists, politicians and international stakeholders, supporting the development of reliable strategies for Ukraine's post-war recovery and integration into the European Union.


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How to Cite
Antoniuk, D., & Zhukov, V. (2024). WORLD EXPERIENCE OF POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION: LESSONS FOR MODERN UKRAINE. Change Management and Innovation, (12), 137-143.
International economic relations