• Nazariy Popadynets Educational and Research Institute of Spatial Planning and Advanced Technologies of Lviv Polytechnic National University; Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
  • Tetyana Yakhno Lviv University of Trade and Economics; Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
  • Rostyslav Bilyk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Keywords: logistics, mechanism, light industry, logistics services market, state regulation, transformation of development


Key aspects of globalization and its impact on logistics processes in the light industry have been identified, emphasizing the need for adaptive regulation of the logistics services market to maintain product competitiveness. Existing regulatory mechanisms, including safety standards, quality, and environmental norms, have been explored, and their impact on optimizing logistics flows and product costs has been assessed. The necessity for reforming the regulatory framework has been established to enhance the efficiency of logistics systems amid changing global challenges. New approaches to regulation have been proposed that consider the specifics of light industry goods, including flexibility and economic efficiency. Suggestions have been systematized to increase the adaptability and flexibility of logistics processes through the implementation of modern IT solutions and strengthening partnerships at all levels of logistics management. The importance of integrating technologies into the logistics processes of the light industry to ensure their efficiency has been outlined. The purpose of the article is to analyze existing regulation mechanisms of the logistics services market in the light industry sector and to develop new recommendations that will help increase the efficiency and adaptability of logistics systems to contemporary challenges of globalization. Examples of the implementation of information systems that automate inventory management and reduce the human factor in documentation have been presented. The significance of international cooperation and standardization of logistics processes that enhance service quality and reduce costs has been emphasized. Strategies for enhancing control over compliance with environmental standards and optimizing logistics routes to reduce environmental impact have been proposed. The need for further research into the impact of globalization on the regulation of logistics services has been identified to adapt legislation to changing conditions of international trade.


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How to Cite
Popadynets, N., Yakhno, T., & Bilyk, R. (2024). REGULATION MECHANISMS OF THE LOGISTICS SERVICES MARKET FOR LIGHT INDUSTRY GOODS. Change Management and Innovation, (10), 88-93.
International economic relations