Information is a strategic part of business, and in order to effectively manage it, you need a well-functioning system and a well-thought-out policy both inside the organization and outside it. If the organization loses initiative on the information field, it, accordingly, can not adequately respond to the emerging crisis situations, therefore, will always be in a zone of turbulence, instability with unpredictable consequences. The article defines conditions that should be taken into account when developing the communication policy of a modern enterprise in crisis conditions, namely: a sharp reduction in the number of controlled parameters; shift towards basic needs on the scale of A. Maslow; the lack of a clear and understandable interpretation of events; the increasing role of information; transition from official to unofficial channels of information; creation of their own systems for life support and safety. It is pointed out that in the crisis conditions two basic communicative processes are carried out: the generation of information and the blocking of information. The principles of managing crisis communications have been developed: unambiguous interpretation of information, clarification of the official position, provision of reliable data, compliance with the "excusable" position, increasing the speed of information receipt in the media. Formation of the external communication policy in crisis conditions is considered on the example of PJSC «АZOVSNAL IRON & STEEL WORKS». The shortcomings of the existing communication policy are indicated: its main direction is considered the placement of paid, ordered articles. The possibility of non-capital-intensive image formation due to the generation of interesting information for the media (events) is not yet fully understood. At the enterprise, the corporate newspaper is used as the main channel for external communication. Without detracting from the importance of printed publications, it should be noted that an increasing number of people use modern information technologies, in particular the Internet, to obtain information. To maintain a positive image, the following principles of PR protection are proposed: continuous monitoring and blocking of negative news, establishing relations with «support entities», the constant presence of the enterprise in the information field.
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