• K.I. Antoniuk "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National University
  • M.O. Pariy "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National University
Keywords: corporate branding, IT outsourcing market, brand identity, contact points, employer brand


Increasing the efficiency of enterprises activity at the present stage of the development of society requires the improvement of methods of competition taking into account the conditions for the functioning of the new economy. The spread of information and communication technologies to all spheres and stages of social production necessitates the improvement of marketing tools in accordance with the specifics of modern business development trends. In particular, this concerns branding as one of the key factors for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise on the market. The relevance of the issue of forming a corporate brand in the IT sphere is emphasized by the fact that this particular branch of the domestic economy is potentially competitive in the world market. Its main development trends include dynamic growth and increased competition, attracting new countries and regions, emergence of new market participants, increasing demand for knowledge-intensive services due to the absence of borders and the globalization. Today, according to Information Services Group, 68% of the IT market is outsourced, where India, China and Eastern Europe continue to dominate. However, even today they are seriously competed by the Philippines, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, South Africa, Mexico, Costa Rica, Singapore, Ireland, Canada, Wales. Among the largest outsource companies of IT enterprises are companies from Ukraine: ELEKS, EPAM System, Softserve and others. A characteristic feature of the domestic IT sector is that a significant number of specialists and enterprises work either informally, without registering and paying taxes, or under the brand of foreign organizations. The object of the research is the formation of the corporate brand of the IT enterprise, the subject is theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the development and implementation of the corporate brand for the enterprise of the information technology market. The goal is to study the specifics of the formation of the corporate brand of the IT enterprise and develop recommendations for its implementation. According to the set tasks, the following results have been obtained: (1) the development trends of the IT outsourcing market and the level of competition on it have been analyzed, which are respectively recognized as positive and average, which indicates the timeliness and relevance of paying more attention to the formation of the corporate brand; (2) the specifics of the formation of the marketing strategy by the IT enterprise, namely the difficulty in determining the target audience and the main competitors, have been explored; tactical measures to introduce the corporate brand of the IT enterprise have been proposed; (3) recommendations for the development of the brand identity of the organization being researched, in particular by establishing points of contact with the brand at various stages of the purchase; (4) it have been determined that one of the main features of forming a corporate brand for enterprises of the information technology market is the development of the employer's brand; the essence and significance of this category have been revealed.


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How to Cite
Antoniuk, K., & Pariy, M. (2021). FEATURES OF CORPORATE BRANDING ON THE MARKET OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. Change Management and Innovation, (2), 5-10. Retrieved from https://cmi.politehnica.zp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/22