• P.V. Gudz "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National University
  • A.Y. Kunajev "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National University
Keywords: management, competence, manager, aircraft building company, efficiency, Motor Sich JSC


The state and trends of modern aircraft construction in the world and in the country are analyzed. The characteristic features of the management of the economy of the aircraft building enterprise in modern conditions are: high degree of state regulation and administration; a highly integrated nature of production, which requires a partnership model of production organization to minimize costs; high scientific content of air production; the competencies of the personnel become the leading capital in the process of complex production; synergistic effect of aircraft building in the field of mechanical engineering. The priority and necessity of personnel management development is updated by increasing the competencies and competencies of industry managers as a basis for the effectiveness of management of an aviation enterprise as an integrated production complex. The requirements for modern and perspective competencies to the managers of the aircraft building company are analyzed: leadership and teamwork, resource planning, business analytics, risk management, product data management, knowledge management, international cooperation, business development – forms demand for managers by aviation programs. The list of the manager's modern competencies for ensuring the effectiveness of the management of the aircraft building company in its functional areas of responsibility is provided. Organization of work, preparation and implementation of management decisions, administrative functions, training and development of personnel, evaluation and control of subordinates, staff motivation, information exchange and communication, self-management organization of work.Analyzing the requirements of modernity to the key competencies of the manager, we can conclude that the development of professional competence and competence of the modern manager involves the development of the latest professional knowledge and applied skills of the profession and their application, the acquisition of skills and abilities to implement social management, behavioral technologies in the functional areas of the manager – personnel, information and design, aviation programs, production, marketing, finance and innovation. The direction of further research is the calculation of the efficiency of the management of aviation enterprise.


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How to Cite
Gudz, P., & Kunajev, A. (2021). COMPETENCE COMPONENT OF MAINTENANCE OF EFFICIENCY OF MANAGEMENT OF THE AIRCRAFT BUILDING ENTERPRISE. Change Management and Innovation, (2), 11-15. Retrieved from