The work purpose is to formulate a model of integrated risk assessment of HRM-systems and integrate it into the enterprise risk management system. Most of the risk management research is devoted to managing the financial and economic risks of enterprises. Personnel risk management is in a state of development. As a result, scientific publications, both foreign and domestic authors, the problems of classification HRM risks are covered and their impact on communication efficiency and enterprise performance is analyzed. Therefore, open to further investigation are the issues of improving the risks structure in HRM, which reflect the depth of study problem, and quantitative risk assessment, the source of which is the system of HRM. The attitude to employees is dependent the management outlook on hired workers, which can consider them as personnel, resource or capital (asset). The balance between the management worldview and the qualities of the staff is a determining factor in generating the risks associated with the human factor of enterprises. Given the significant impact of risks on business outcomes, international practice in this direction has already formed and continues to form and improve risk management standards enterprises. It is advisable to study the causal relationships of risk situations to build an effective risk management system. The causation analysis is the first step in identifying risks and allows you to identify the sources or the root causes of risks and their possible consequences for enterprises as recommended by IEC / ISO 31010. Risk management is a continuous cyclic process to monitor the state and power of impact causation in the personnel management. This will allow tracking changes in the causation, the tightness of the relationship of risks in the personnel management, which are largely under the influence of individual psychological specifics of individuals. A new approach to HRM risk assessment in the form of a hierarchical model in accordance with its main functional areas is proposed, which will allow identifying in the areas of high risk in the management of the personnel of the enterprise. Several levels of risk structuring in the personnel management are proposed in the paper. At the first level of risk structuring in human resources management, it is advisable to present them as a superposition of risks associated with the HRM system and the risks arising from the level of competencies and personality characteristics of workers. It was noticed, there is a smaller time lag between the occurrence of a risk situation and its consequences for the risks arising from the competences and personal qualities of workers. The implications of HRM-related risks may be manifest through a significant gap or time lag (from a few months to several years). The management of domestic enterprises does not always notice and react to them. In order to study this risk group, a hierarchical model has been developed for their qualitative and quantitative assessment. Also, it was proposed to expand the existing relational systems of enterprise management by HRM risk to build effective risk management in HRM.
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