The purpose of the article is the study of project approach effectiveness to solving problems of innovative development of the Ukrainian economy. The article specifies the need to form national innovation program and create national innovation system. It is indicated that there are two options for creating national innovation system, and for both options, financial and organizational support for the state and private funds is necessary. The article states that innovations can be open and closed. Experience shows that open investments are now more acceptable, because open innovative projects, as instruments for their implementation, are more promising than closed ones. The prospects for open innovation projects consist in the fact that all project participants unite their efforts to implement them. Based on the results of the comparative analysis of the traditional and project approach to company management, the article specifies that the project approach is the most effective. The project approach to the companies’ management, the implementation of innovation, in contrast to the traditional, is not strictly regulated and is used as necessary. The costs for the implementation of the project are determined in accordance with its budget. It has been determined that the competitiveness of industrial enterprises operating within the cluster is higher than that of enterprises that work independently. The experience of functioning of industrial clusters testifies to the growth of implemented projects in the field of research and development. In developed countries with a high level of project management, project management costs are lower, and their projects are implemented 2.5 times more often than in companies with a traditional level of project management. The paper presents an example of a project approach to solving key environmental problems at metallurgical enterprises of the holding company «Metinvest». At the metallurgical enterprises PJSC «Ilyich Iron and Steel Works» and PJSC «AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS» in the period 2012-2016 innovative projects were implemented, which are important. With the help of the project approach enterprises solve economic and environmental problems. They include: processing of metallurgical slag and extraction of metal inclusions from slags, as well as the use of metallurgical slurries, which are an additive to the slurry during the production of agglomerate, which reduces the cost of cast iron. In this way, the experience shows that the most appropriate approach to the implementation of innovations is the project approach, and innovative activity effectiveness of enterprises is achieved in clusters, associations, holdings. In modern unstable conditions, the use of a project approach to the companies’ management, the introduction of their innovative activities will be conducive to the revival of the Ukrainian economy.
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