This article is devoted to the study and comparison of main features of services sphere development in different countries. The definition and the structure of the services sector are presented. The services sphere is defined as the system of industries and economic activities, which institutional units perform mutually beneficial activities, the results of which are aimed at income generation or creation of public goods and meeting the needs of economic agents. According to ISIC rev. 4 services sphere consists of industries from G to S. Specific groups of countries are analyzed, in particular, developed countries, developing countries and countries with transition economies. Such basic indicators as the dynamics and structure of gross value added in the services sector, employment in the service sector, the dynamics and structure of services export are examined. It is grounded that the service sector in developed countries has significant experience in the development, balanced, high-performance structure and ability to compete on the international market for just under several positions (for example, financial services, licensed services, travel services). In developing countries, the service sector has some imbalances, but these countries are trying to find their niche, particularly active in developing the tourism sector (South Africa, China), the telecommunications and computer services (India). The feature of countries with transition economies including Poland, the Czech Republic is to maintain focus on the production and export of material services, transportation services and underestimating the role of manufacturing, financial services. Such tendencies reflect badly on their investment climate of these countries. It is proposed to combine gross value added in the services sector, employment in the service sector, the dynamics and structure of services export into a single integrated indicator which would allow to take into account the importance of quantitative and qualitative characteristics and to carry out the comparative analysis more effectively.
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