The work presents the results of assessment of the transport and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine, which showed that the existing freight infrastructure is unprofitable and irrationally uses its potential. Significant losses of transit flows, a decrease in demand from the main consumers of logistics services are associated with a significant reduction in the volume of industrial production, imports of goods and trade due to the economic crisis, geopolitical factors and military actions in the east of the country. The decrease in imports of goods to Ukraine and the active stimulation of exports led to a significant change in the configuration of transport routes and, accordingly, an increase in costs. Analysis of the current state of the transport and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine made it possible to determine further prospects for the development of integrated transport and logistics systems of the state. The work justifies that the process of Ukraine’s integration into the European and international transport and logistics systems requires state support for coordinating the interaction of various modes of transport by securing this function for multimodal transport and logistics complexes. Considering that the transport and logistics center is a complex technological and socio-economic system, the article substantiates the necessity of forming a multimodal transport and logistics complex using the project approach. At the same time, the program for the formation of modern logistics centers should include a set of production, socio-economic, research and other programs, plans and activities that are connected with the necessary resources, terms, executors, stakeholders, aimed at developing and implementing an innovative project, creating and developing an effective system of transport and logistics services in Ukraine, which will make it a powerful transit center. The project proposes the creation of a multimodal transport and logistics complex, the main potential transport and logistics center of the Donetsk region, the advantage of which is the significant potential for combining various modes of transport (road, rail, river and sea) in Mariupol and adjacent areas for the organization of international intermodal transportations. It is a very relevant, timely, promising and ambitious project, the successful implementation of which opens up favorable prospects for strengthening the company's position in the market in terms of key indicators, obtaining and further increasing net profit. The results of the research can be applied in the practical activities of the initiators of innovative projects to create transport and logistics centers, investors to make management decisions on similar projects, and as a basis for creating business plans for the formation of multimodal transport and logistics complexes in Ukraine.
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