• I.M Teslenok "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National University
  • Yu.O. Kvach "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National University
Keywords: innovation, strategy, innovative strategy of the enterprise, stages of development of innovative strategy of the enterprise


The latest researches on the development and implementation of innovation strategy at enterprises are analyzed. The main stages of development and implementation of innovation strategy at enterprises are highlighted. The necessary components of this process, which require further research and analysis in the process of choosing an enterprise innovation strategy, are considered. The shortcomings and advantages of the existing innovation strategy implementation stages are identified and the optimal scheme of development and implementation of the innovative strategy at the enterprise is proposed. The development and implementation algorithm of innovation strategy with the following components is substantiated: analysis of innovative potential, assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise (resources, demand level, investments forms and sources); priority directions definition of the enterprise innovative activity; selection of the most acceptable for the enterprise strategy of innovative development; development of the innovation strategy implementation program, at this stage establish feedback with enterprise business strategies; control over the strategy implementation (assign responsible for each part of the program that control the process, identify errors and disadvantages, as far as possible to correct them); evaluation of results. The stage of the enterprise innovative potential analysis should include assessment of the enterprise strengths and weaknesses in order to more effectively develop and implement the enterprise innovation strategy. Since the enterprise innovation strategy is closely linked to other functional strategies, at the stage of program development for the implementation of the innovation strategy, it is necessary to adjust the actions with all functional units of the enterprise and to add additional goals and objectives in the marketing, production, staffing and financial enterprise strategies. Also, at the stage of results evaluation it is necessary to make a feedback with the enterprise business strategies to compare the result with the general enterprise development direction. Consequently, an enterprise innovative strategy formation is a complex creative process requiring highly qualified all performers, requires a wide research range and evaluation of alternative solutions that most closely match the image and organization objectives. Highly skilled specialists are required to develop and implement an innovation strategy – modern managers, entrepreneurs who are capable of providing innovative development to the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Teslenok, I., & Kvach, Y. (2021). FEATURES OF DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE STRATEGY OF ENTERPRISE. Change Management and Innovation, (2), 71-76. Retrieved from https://cmi.politehnica.zp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/33