The article analyzes the dynamics of segmentation of the market of tourist services of Ukraine. During the years of independence, Ukraine has not formed a clear policy of informing the world community about its achievements, historical heritage, culture, and social reforms. Therefore, ordinary citizens abroad have an idea of Ukraine due to the assessments of statesmen and international organizations and mostly due to publications in foreign media, which are mostly negative, as they are devoted to high-profile or scandalous events and hostilities in eastern Ukraine. But for most foreigners who visited Ukraine, the impressions of our country were better than the image formed by their own media at home. As for the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of tourism, Ukraine is in a relatively better situation than most countries, as the share of domestic and outbound tourism is much higher than the inflow. Potential negative consequences in 2020 (compared to the same period in 2019) – a reduction in international tourist arrivals from 850 million to 1.1 billion people, the amount of unearned export earnings from tourism – from 910 billion to 1.2 trillion US dollars, from 100 up to 120 million lost jobs in the tourism industry. The most popular travel movement of tourists for various reasons is determined: the official purpose of the trip, recreation, medical purpose. Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, and Lviv regions are recognized as business centers in the development of the tourism industry. For the purpose of recreation, the five leaders are Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk regions. Kyiv, Lviv, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions have been identified as leaders in medical and health tourism. The main forecast economic indicators as a consequence of COVID-19 in the field of tourism in the world and Ukraine are analyzed. Ukraine's GDP is projected to fall to 7.7%, with unemployment reaching 10%. The reduction of the inflation rate in 2020 has been determined both in Ukraine and all over the world, but it is impossible to fully compensate for the negative consequences caused in 2020. The situation in Ukraine was assessed by three main rating agencies: Standard and Poor’s and Fitch ranked Ukraine in category B (high speculative level). According to Moody’s, Ukraine's credit rating is Caa1 (significant risk). However, on April 23, 2020, Fitch changed the previous rating, lowering it to B from BB (speculative level) with a forecast of "stable". Priority measures to respond to the COVID-19 crisis and maximize Ukraine's tourism economy are proposed: support for domestic air and rail transport and ticket prices with possible subventions; support of domestic tourism through the introduction of tourist vouchers and credit lines for this type of tourism; further deferral of tax liabilities for accommodation and catering facilities for VAT and income tax; continuous optimization and updating of work instructions for the tourism sector for the pandemic period.
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